Darebin - The first council to recognise a Climate Emergency
Current campaign priorities
- Ensuring the Darebin Climate Emergency Plan is a full and genuine Climate Emergency Plan
- Building community recognition of action on the Climate Emergency
- Getting Darebin to formally declare a Climate Emergency and enter full emergency mode
1. Getting the Darebin plan right
Darebin Council has now released its new draft Climate Emergency Plan for public comment. The draft plan is a very significant improvement on earlier drafts and in general the document has captured most of the key elements needed to drive a Climate Emergency response but has made some significant omissions including no focus on diet and consumption and no detail on draw down and does not in CACE's opinion qualify as a Climate Emergency plan.
The work by Darebin councilors on this has been exceptional but the draft plan has been produced by staff. By making strong submissions we enable councillors to argue for stronger action on the climate emergency.
The key points are:
- the context for the goal and the goal itself have an inconsistency and need include stronger messaging on negative emissions in the context
- diet is not one of the key priorities deserves a separate section
- consumption emissions are not a key priority deserves a separate section
- drawdown though mentioned has no detail and deserves a separate section
- the methodology of local carbon emission accounting needs complete revision to include other sources of emissions such as diet and consumption and may include double accounting of renewable energy produced locally
- the divestment focus is too narrow and only relates to fossil fuels.
- the plan is proposing to dump green power
- community engagement is not ambitious enough
- inappropriate state and federal targets are included in the plan
- a new section is required clearly identifying phasing and priorities
- the plan proposes to by hybrids rather than the currently available electric cars with range extenders
To date CACE and RSTI (Research and Strategy for Transition Initiation Inc.) have developed two separate responses to the draft plan and will be developing full responses shortly. Please use these initial responses as a guide and submit your own response to the plan before the cut of on the 3rd of June.
The Community meeting hand out and guide. In this document CACE's Adrian Whitehead outlines some of the key issues CACE feels are strong enough to prevent the document from functioning effectively or even to be considered as a climate emergency plan.
RSTI (Research and Strategy for Transition Initiation Inc.)'s Darebin Climate Emergency Plan - Ideas for a new structure by Philip Sutton. In this document Philip identifies some of the key issues with the plan and proposes a new structure and sections that would improve the plan significantly.
CACE has also developed a separate response to the summary document produce in association with the draft Climate Emergency Plan by Darebin Council.
Community comment is encouraged by council and can be made online or at one of the public forums:
Darebin Council has now released its new draft Climate Emergency Plan for public comment. The draft plan is a very significant improvement on earlier drafts and in general the document has captured most of the key elements needed to drive a Climate Emergency response but has made some significant omissions including no focus on diet and consumption and no detail on draw down and does not in CACE's opinion qualify as a Climate Emergency plan.
The work by Darebin councilors on this has been exceptional but the draft plan has been produced by staff. By making strong submissions we enable councillors to argue for stronger action on the climate emergency.
The key points are:
- the context for the goal and the goal itself have an inconsistency and need include stronger messaging on negative emissions in the context
- diet is not one of the key priorities deserves a separate section
- consumption emissions are not a key priority deserves a separate section
- drawdown though mentioned has no detail and deserves a separate section
- the methodology of local carbon emission accounting needs complete revision to include other sources of emissions such as diet and consumption and may include double accounting of renewable energy produced locally
- the divestment focus is too narrow and only relates to fossil fuels.
- the plan is proposing to dump green power
- community engagement is not ambitious enough
- inappropriate state and federal targets are included in the plan
- a new section is required clearly identifying phasing and priorities
- the plan proposes to by hybrids rather than the currently available electric cars with range extenders
To date CACE and RSTI (Research and Strategy for Transition Initiation Inc.) have developed two separate responses to the draft plan and will be developing full responses shortly. Please use these initial responses as a guide and submit your own response to the plan before the cut of on the 3rd of June.
The Community meeting hand out and guide. In this document CACE's Adrian Whitehead outlines some of the key issues CACE feels are strong enough to prevent the document from functioning effectively or even to be considered as a climate emergency plan.
RSTI (Research and Strategy for Transition Initiation Inc.)'s Darebin Climate Emergency Plan - Ideas for a new structure by Philip Sutton. In this document Philip identifies some of the key issues with the plan and proposes a new structure and sections that would improve the plan significantly.
CACE has also developed a separate response to the summary document produce in association with the draft Climate Emergency Plan by Darebin Council.
Community comment is encouraged by council and can be made online or at one of the public forums:
- Climate Emergency Forum Reservoir Community Learning Centre 6-7.30pm - 08 June 2017
- Climate Emergency Forum Preston Library 10.30am-12pm - 13 June 2017
- Climate Emergency Forum Northcote Town Hall 6-7.30pm - 20 June 2017

caceguidetothedraftdarebinclimateemergencyplansummarydocumentv1.2.e1_010617.pdf | |
File Size: | 46 kb |
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caceguide-darebindcep-communitymeetinghandout-v1.1e2_030717__1_.pdf | |
File Size: | 68 kb |
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rsti-darebinclimateemergencyplan_ideasforrevisedstructure-content_philip_suttonv1120617.pdf | |
File Size: | 146 kb |
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2. Building the Community Campaign
CACE is undertaking a Darebin-wide series of public meetings designed to educate people about the Climate Emergency and build support for a Climate Emergency Declaration.
You Can Help
The project includes leafleting the 1000's of homes in Darebin. We need to double our current letterboxing team. CACE would love your help to complete this project. Can you can spend 1-2 hours delivering leaflets to letterboxes once a month? Please contact us if you can help.
We have applied to Darebin council to fund about 1/3 of this project but would welcome any support to cover venue hire and printing costs. Adrian has also given up his two teaching jobs for the first half of the year to work fulltime on the project.
We have completed five meetings to date in 2017 :
Supporting Materials
We are producing a range of supporting materials, including an action booklet now in its second draft.
Big Thanks
A special big thanks to the following community organisations for providing venues for free:
Our supporters for these community events
CACE is undertaking a Darebin-wide series of public meetings designed to educate people about the Climate Emergency and build support for a Climate Emergency Declaration.
You Can Help
The project includes leafleting the 1000's of homes in Darebin. We need to double our current letterboxing team. CACE would love your help to complete this project. Can you can spend 1-2 hours delivering leaflets to letterboxes once a month? Please contact us if you can help.
We have applied to Darebin council to fund about 1/3 of this project but would welcome any support to cover venue hire and printing costs. Adrian has also given up his two teaching jobs for the first half of the year to work fulltime on the project.
We have completed five meetings to date in 2017 :
- Westgarth - Feb
- Preston - Feb
- Thornbury - Feb
- Fairfield - May
- Alphington - Jun
- West Northcote
- West Thornbury
- West Preston Sth
- West Preston Nth
- Northcote
- Thornbury
- Reservoir East
- Reservoir West
- Darebin North
Supporting Materials
We are producing a range of supporting materials, including an action booklet now in its second draft.
Big Thanks
A special big thanks to the following community organisations for providing venues for free:
Our supporters for these community events
- Sustainable Living Foundation;
- Research and Strategy for Transition Initiation (RTSI);
- Less Meat Less Heat;
- Great Forest National Park campaign;
- Darebin Climate Action Now;
- Climate Emergency Declaration Campaign;
- Transition Banyule;
- Beyond Zero Emissions;
- Save the Planet.
3. The Climate Emergency Declaration
CACE is supporting Darebin Council in its preparation to formally declare a Climate Emergency.
CACE is supporting Darebin Council in its preparation to formally declare a Climate Emergency.