This week, the Council passed a Notice of Motion from Dan Loden, City of Vincent Councillor - North Ward related to action on climate change:
"That Council: 1. AFFIRMS its support for addressing climate change within the City of Vincent; 2. ENDORSES the position expressed in the Western Australian Local Government Association's [WALGA] Climate Change Policy Statement that there is a climate emergency which requires urgent action by all levels of government to avoid an unacceptable burden on future generations; 3. REQUESTS that the Draft Sustainable Environment Strategy be presented to Council for advertising by March 2019 to support decision making in the 2019/20 Budget and Corporate Business Plan; 4. REQUESTS that the Sustainable Environment Strategy include the following measures: 4.1. Set a target of zero net carbon emissions by a defined date; 4.2. Set a target of zero net carbon emissions from stationary energy by a defined date; 4.3. Include plans to support the uptake by the community of electric vehicles and other technology that can achieve zero emissions vehicles within the City of Vincent; 4.4. Include plans for the City to create an electric vehicle fleet or other technology that can achieve zero emissions as part of forward purchasing practice; and 5. REQUESTS that administration give consideration to the carbon emissions which result from the management of waste as part of the current Waste Management Strategy." As Jonathan Hallett, City of Vincent Councillor - South Ward put it, 'We are in a climate emergency and there are many elected members at other levels of government who are comprehensively failing to respond with the urgency that any other emergency would receive. We all need to step up.' Council of Vincent is the second Australian local government to pass a climate emergency motion. Comments are closed.
February 2024